In today’s passages, Jesus will demonstrate his authority over human disease and death. Jesus is approached by a desperate father, whose little girl is dying: Jesus, will you please help me? Jesus agrees, and he is accompanying the father to his home, when their urgent trek is interrupted by Jesus healing a desperately ill woman.
Who Is This Man
Mark 5 Part 1
Your fear will either crowd out your faith in Jesus, or your faith in Jesus will crowd out your fear. You can trust Jesus in your storm. He’s made a promise to get you through to the other side. His power is greater than the storm you fear. He’s gotten you through previous storms. He’s in […]
Mark 4
In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus seems to be making a distinction. In the crowds Jesus is preaching to, there are people who have ears to hear, and there are people who have ears that don’t hear. There are people who are ready to receive and accept what Jesus has to tell them, and […]
Mark 3
Mark is writing his book about Jesus, to reveal to us that Jesus is the Son of God, God’s Savior for broken, sinful people. But Mark is quick to acknowledge that not everyone will come to this same conclusion about Jesus. Some will perceive Jesus as crazy, a lunatic. Some will believe he is the […]
Mark 2 Part 2
Seeing Jesus get angry, that was an uncommon sight for sure, but here he is responding to the Pharisees, with their hard hearts. These religious leaders would prefer to see a fellow human being continue in his misery, when Jesus could heal his paralysis instantaneously, restore his withered hand, and so relieve his suffering.
Mark 2 – Part 1
In Mark chapter 2 we are looking for the implications of what the text says about Jesus, for what it means for us to be followers of Jesus. If Jesus is God ,and he has the authority to forgive sins, if Jesus came to call and care for sinners, then what does that say about me? […]
Who Is This Man – Mark 1 Part 2
Several times in the book of Mark, Jesus commands that knowledge of who is or what he has done, be kept a secret . . . The Messianic Secret. Perhaps the best example of this is when Jesus commands his disciples not to reveal his identity after they see him totally transfigured, so Jesus appears […]
Who Is This Man – Mark 1
Jesus calls people to follow him, and he promises to transform them. Can you see it? – Jesus standing on shore, his hand outstretched, Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. . . And immediately Simon Peter and Andrew come.