Be a servant in Jesus’ church who serves with gladness. When you serve with gladness and when you love others, people will be so drawn to you, and therefore to Jesus, you will always know friendship and deep meaningful relationship.
Strengthening Your Core
Welcoming Environments & Life Transformation
Jesus is changing us, and this side of heaven we will never be perfect, but we will always be getting better, less and less a slave to sin, and more and more a slave to righteousness. Never perfection, but always progress.
Biblical Authority & Loving Your Community
When people become connected to Jesus, so they turn from their sin and put their trust in Him for their personal salvation, lives are changed forever. And we get to be a part of that. As Jesus’ followers, we are passionate about the mission of Jesus’ church.
Our Mission
When someone becomes connected to Jesus, and that connection is strengthened, God is glorified, he is honored and magnified as he should be, being God. God is glorified, and lives are changed forever. When an unbeliever is connected to Jesus, his or her life is changed eternally: A new eternal destination that is heaven. And […]