I Need Wisdom
The Preacher Asks: What’s The Point?
God has made it so we yearn for something more, something meaningful, something other than the things this world offers, something new and eternal, a relationship, a relationship with God’s Son. God has set eternity in our hearts. So, not everything is vanity. Not everything is meaningless or passes away forever.
More Proverbs to Ponder
Being Wise
Dave in the Cave – Psalm 57
The Psalms; they are so powerful, one, because they are God’s words, and two, because they are such intimate expressions of deeply felt emotions, and personally identified with experiences, which nearly everyone can relate to
Be Like A Tree – Psalm 1
The Psalm we are studying this morning is talking about more than this life; it’s looking beyond death and into eternity, to eternal life and eternal death, heaven and hell, the forever company of those who belong to God, verses those whom God will drive away forever.
Job Regains What He Lost . . . And So Much More
Job Loses Everything . . . Well, Not Everything
In the books of Job, the Psalms, the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon we find the wisdom of God we need to make decisions that will direct the course of our lives and determine the persons we will become.