Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame . . .
Have you ever read the back cover of a novel with a more “pull you in and you can’t-put-it-down” beginning? Matthew 1.18-19 beats “It was a dark and stormy night . . .” every time!
Matthew’s telling of the birth of Jesus is just a precious eight verses. Yet as I read, I feel swept into all that has come to mean Christmas in my heart. Mary, Joseph, Angel, courageous and faithful husband, prophecy from of old, Baby Jesus!
Someone recently mentioned to me that she takes a thoughtful approach to reading some messages that come to her inbox. Rather than glancing through quickly on her way to something else, she sets it aside to come back to when she can thoughtfully consider and reflect upon the message.
This has been a great encouragement to me to slow down and allow myself a ready-to-receive approach to reading the Christmas Scripture passages and I now pass on to you the same exhortation. Pick up your Bible and read Matthew 1.18-25 for the retelling of Jesus’ birth.
Matthew Chapter 2 goes beyond His birth to tell of the wise men’s visit, of a deceptive and murderous king, of another angelic visit and the family’s flight to Egypt, and their eventual return to their homeland.
Approach with a fresh desire to know and love the Christmas story . . . Jesus came humbly and faithfully for you.
You are so loved, Colleen