For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness. Romans 12.4-8
A few years ago as I studied spiritual gifts with other women, I remember more than one mindset shift. Particularly about a believer’s opportunity and obligation.
It was still in the early years of my studying the Bible and I had been operating through much of my life up to then thinking that when it comes to obligations, it’s a team effort. It’s about covering all the bases.
If someone is assigned first base coverage and someone else second base coverage, then I don’t have to cover either of those. It started in my growing-up years. If my sister was washing the dishes, I didn’t have to. If my brother was mowing the lawn, then I didn’t have to. And, of course, they did not have to clean the bathroom or dust the living room because our other sister and I were doing that. We four Cameron kids typically acknowledged that to divide and conquer the chore list was wise and profitable for everyone. All the bases covered.
This is where you should see the flashing warning lights: Mindset shift ahead! Selfish mindset shift ahead! Team effort? Yes. Smugly, selfishly, avoiding obligations? No!
In our Romans 12 verses above, the Apostle Paul writes of several of the supernatural gifts believers may have received at their salvation moment. Every believer receives at least one spiritual gift at salvation; some more than one. Paul informs us that believing people receive different gift(s) in varying degrees according to the grace given.
But it is not a cafeteria plan where we make our favorite selection from the options. An always significant phrase is according to … According to what?
And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1.38
… according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. Romans 12.3
… in accordance with the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15.3-8
… in accord with the tradition you received from us. 3 Thessalonians 3.6
Here in Romans 12.6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us …
Okay, different gifts in different measures, not of my choosing but of God’s choosing. Does that mean that since some believers are given the gift of exhortation and some the gift of generosity, that I don’t have to encourage/exhort or give? No, not at all.
I remember the Bible study teacher saying his own mother had the gift of generosity; from her flowed unending ways to supply the needs of the body. But that did not negate his own opportunity or responsibility to support the mission of reaching people for Christ with his own regular tithe and offering and service. He dared not ignore the prompting of the Spirit to respond to the Lord’s love, grace, and mercy with his own supplying of needs while also serving out of his gift by grace of teaching.
True, every believer is called to exercise our gift(s) for the building up (edifying) of the believer and the body of believers. Yet, we are all called also to live like we have been rescued … humble, submitted, so very grateful and so … we give back, we serve. We come alongside and do things differently than we used to. We serve, speak, contribute our time, talents, and gifts. Because now we are each operating under the equipping influence of the Holy Spirit and the evidence is in the building up of one another. I may not be gifted with mercy or leadership, but I can serve and come along side in ways that support the building up of the body through the gospel message being clearly and truthfully taught and lived out.
I may not be running the lawnmower but I can certainly help the process by edging, or clearing the lawn of furniture and dog toys (and other things left behind by the dog) – it may be dirty work, but it’s my opportunity to help move the work along, without rancor, resentment, or indignation.
When every believer serves out of his or her gifts, the bases are covered. Still, our supporting the mission of sharing the gospel is our opportunity and our obligation in giving back, for the equipping and fortifying of the body of believers, and for the testimony to those who are watching.
Trusting the Lord with you for His equipping according to His grace to each of us. Blessings, Colleen