“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me … Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14.1, 27
Why do you suppose Jesus tells us twice in John chapter 14 … “Let not your hearts be troubled”? Do you ever feel like your heart is troubled? Agitated? Disquieted? Restless?
I, for one, need to be reminded. You may have heard me say this before: Sometimes I forget to remember what I have come to know about Jesus.
In John 14.1, Jesus gives us the way to not let our hearts be troubled … believe in God and believe in His Son Jesus also. Relief and positive change for a troubled, restless heart comes with trusting what God has told us about Himself and about how Jesus is our Rescuer and Redeemer. I can set down my thinking that I’ve got to solve each and every issue on my own.
In John 14.27, Jesus gives us the comfort and assurance that only He can provide for a troubled, unsettled heart. He leaves His peace with us, a gift of immeasurable mercy and grace.
Jesus’ peace is the Hebrew word shalom bringing such a depth of meaning to the word “peace.” As used here it brings the notion of positive blessings in terms of a right relationship with God; having a settled assurance in your heart of your salvation; trusting that your future is not at risk because Jesus secures your peace with God!
I first truly experienced this shalom peace through a season of grief when most things were best described as cloudy and unfocused. But in the midst of it, there was a palpable peace in our home and even in my sorrow-filled heart. As I moved through and beyond those days, the Lord reshaped my thoughts and my days toward living well despite loss and even toward this ministry.
I share this with you, my friend, that you might not go quickly past these passages … Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. In this crazy, chaotic, confusing world we can choose to know hope and peace.
This a hope and peace found only in Jesus and this is the entire reason and purpose for each of the four gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – which we have read over the past 90 days. Know Jesus, know hope and peace.
To God be all the glory! Blessings, Colleen