After the two days he (Jesus) departed for Galilee. (For Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.) So when he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, having seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the feast. For they too had gone to the feast. John 4.43-45
I did not understand when I first read this passage. Jesus intentionally went to Galilee? It seems like we have read recently about Jesus not being well-received in his hometown and Galilee is the region of his hometown of Nazareth (like Kitsap is my county and Poulsbo is my hometown).
In Matthew (and in Mark and Luke) the people of Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth took offense at Him when He began to teach in their synagogue saying “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son?” … And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” And he did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Matthew 13.54-58
So if Jesus is without honor in His hometown, why would He deliberately go back to Galilee?
Do you make a point to go places where you are not welcome? I admit, I do not. Why bring discomfort or even danger upon myself by going where I am not wanted? Particularly when the people’s unbelief is so evident.
Why would Jesus go deliberately to Galilee? Because He is Jesus and His mission is to seek and save the lost, those who don’t yet know Him.
Perhaps the hearts of the people of Galilee are beginning to soften toward Jesus. While they apparently did not wholly accept His miracle signs in the past, now He is seen in a different light. Because of what they had witnessed while at the feast, they are willing to at least consider Jesus is not just “a local boy made good.” Perhaps something stirred in their hearts, the soil is being cultivated, and the seeds planted. And now it is time for Jesus to go to them again and draw them to Him, by His Word.
I am so thankful He sought me when I didn’t even know I was lost. Well, I sorta knew I was lost. Pretty much nothing was in my “win” column and I was so tired of pretending everything was okay. Nothing was okay. And then Jesus sought me out, revealing my need so thoroughly. He come’s looking for His lost sheep and promises them a secure eternal life with Him when they believe He is the Son of God whom God the Father gave as a gift for our salvation.
With grateful hearts, we can so appreciate that Jesus intentionally goes where He had not been welcome in order to fulfill His mission. All that is required of me is to acknowledge I need Him, that I cannot rescue myself, that only He can rescue me. And so, with a repentant and grateful heart, I welcome Him and receive Him as my Lord and Savior. Another life changed forever and God glorified! Amen!
Is the Holy Spirit prompting you to go where you have felt unwelcome in the past? To share the message of the gospel is too life-changing to not follow that prompt. Not, of course, in a demanding or demeaning way, but with gentleness, compassion and a gracious testimony of how knowing and trusting Jesus has changed your life. Continually. Forever.
Know Jesus. Trust Him. Share His love in word and deed. Go to Galilee.
Trusting the Lord with you, Colleen