“Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Luke 14.27
Before Resurrection Sunday. Before Crucifixion Friday. There was the walk. The walk Jesus made toward His death.
After the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. After the beating and mocking. After the “kangaroo court” trials in the Jewish courts – where Jesus was charged with blasphemy – and in the secular Roman courts – where He was charged with leading a rebellion. After the punishment was determined … “Crucify, crucify Him!” There was the walk. The walk Jesus made toward His death.
But His body was so severely beaten that He could not carry His own cross to the crucifixion site, as was the custom for convicted criminals of that day. So another man was seized to carry the cross of Jesus as He walked toward His death.
In this week after Easter, in God’s always perfect timing, I found myself considering Jesus’ teaching on the cost of discipleship, of following Him, in Luke 14. “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Luke 14.27
Bear my own cross? Toward my own death? Yes. To the death of my self-focus and self-prioritizing. Toward my own sacrifice of self-interests for the opportunity to share the gospel with others. To give and serve and love with compassion, because that is what Jesus did for me.
To carry the cross, my cross. Yet I know I cannot do that in my own strength, physically or spiritually. But Jesus can, and He will. It is His strength that brings renewal when my physical strength is drained. It is His strength that allows a time of prayerful preparation and then a patient tone of voice and demeanor for someone who has become sidetracked from God’s purpose and plan. It is by His strength that I set down my own wearisome burdens (often brought on due to self-interests) at the foot of His cross and trust Him enough to not pick them up again. But the cross I must pick up.
The cost of discipleship is steep but nothing compared to the glorious eternal life gifted to every believer who has let go of self-reliance and trusted Jesus’ rescue as our salvation, because of the love that took Him to His cross. It is not too late to pick up your own cross now and trust Jesus will strengthen you to carry it, as He has purposed you to do.
Trusting the Lord with you, Colleen
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Ephesians 6.10