As followers of Christ, we must let go of our perfectionism. How many of us are pursuing that elusive goal of perfection, good enough for others, good enough for ourselves, good enough for God and his heaven? God’s laws demand that we live a perfect life, obeying the laws of God perfectly if we are to save ourselves. Perfection, not just for 9 innings, but for every inning of our entire lives. Because we are imperfect people, that means we’ve lost the game before we ever step onto the mound. The Apostle Paul’s concern is that false teachers had infiltrated the church in Galatia, insisting new followers of Jesus must live according to Jewish laws to be acceptable by God. What they failed to appreciate is God’s law demands perfection, a perfection we will never attain. But God’s promise is that he will save everyone who turns from sin and trusts in Jesus to rescue them, the only Son of God who became the only perfect man to be our Savior. Jesus alone has achieved true and lasting perfection. We are saved by placing our confidence in his perfection to make us acceptable to God, and not by depending in our own performance, our own perfection.