I have often thought the Lord brought a person across my path, even if just for a short time, to bring fresh and constant lessons of trusting Him and not thinking my circumstances are so overwhelming. Tough sometimes? Certainly. Insurmountable? No, almost never.
Does someone come to your mind? Maybe a co-worker or neighbor. A fellow student or dorm mate? There was a woman we called Miss Jean whom I met about 20 years ago. Her steadfast faith and seeking of the Lord, even as she approached 90, along with her settled assurance of the Lord’s work in her, and through her, continues to echo in my heart and mind.
This Fall we have the chance to spend some time with a guy in the Bible named Joseph. We’ll read of his family, his proud teen years, and then his often-shocking aging-up into and through adulthood.
As always when we spend some time in Scripture, what we read and consider ultimately points to the gospel of Jesus – of trusting God is the only One who can rescue, redeem, forgive. And that was Jesus’ mission – to bring the truth of the Father God’s love to each who will believe.
My prayer is that you will be all-in on the study of Joseph’s life – God Meant it for Good. Yes, it’s a serious study (though not a hard study) but we have been recently well-reminded that being a Christian is serious business. It’s not light and fluffy. It is marrow-deep change that we cannot undertake of our own accord. Fully realizing and then holding on to the truth that God means it for good – whatever your “it” is, will strengthen and assure you as nothing else can.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. By faith … Hebrews 11.1-4a
I encourage you to open your Bible to Hebrews 11 and continue reading what amounts to a summary of God’s faithful history with people who trusted He was, and is, and always will be, the Promise Keeper.
I can’t wait to be in conversation and study with you as God allows our paths to meet up with Joseph’s for the next several weeks. Blessings, Colleen
PS – If you are reading this on its publish date of Sept 18 – I hope you will join us this evening at 6:30 for Women’s Coffee & Conversation, a casual and connecting gathering for women at the church. The coffee bar opens at 6